Why Every Company Needs an AR Strategy for 2022
Here are 5 reasons why every company needs an AR Strategy for 2022:
Timing is everything.
It is a widely accepted fact that AR will be a mature technology by 2025. What does that mean? It means that a technology has been around long enough that its initial faults and problems have been removed or reduced. Essentially, it is sufficiently effective and easy to use to be widely adopted. 2025 is coming fast, especially when you consider that many organizations are already using Augmented Reality at scale within their organizations.
You need the back end analytics.
When implementing any new initiative, an organization needs to know whether it was valuable and whether it was successful. Unfortunately, data doesn’t mean much if it’s not tied to a larger business objective that is guided by a well thought out strategy. Once you have that in place the analytics will be especially meaningful to your team.
It’s the most engaging tool.
Time after time, AR leads the digital marketing pack in engagement. And not by a few points. It outpaces other tools by a whopping 40%! Want another crazy number? You customers are 70% more likely to recall the information you shared with them via AR, over traditional delivery methods. The numbers don’t lie. It’s time to begin exploring how to add this tool to your tool box.
Increases the top and bottom line.
Companies that are already using Augmented Reality at scale are expecting an average 8.2% increase in their top and bottom lines. So many things have impacted the economy over the past 24 months; not least of all the pandemic and global supply chain issues. If there is anything that can give your organization an edge, and beef up your sales, it is worth exploring.
The tech is ready.
The technology that will help you see success with AR - 5G, QR Codes, and smartphones - has been improving by leaps and bounds as we all know. Industry/consumer and organizational adoption is not that far behind. Using a web based version of Augmented Reality is the simplest way for your audience to begin using AR to consume the content you’ve created. The tech is ready, and we’ve made it simple and easy to use without having to compete with other apps for space on your user's device.
There is a long list of very compelling reasons to adopt a new technology, and in our opinion these are the most important. Knowing that you have a partner to turn your ideas into reality, means you can spend your time on strategy and execution.